Sunday, February 6, 2011

Good cards to have in a reading - Ace of Pentacles

Depending on what you seek from the future, different cards will different meanings to you. For some people the main goal is being financially secure. For those, the Ace of Pentacles is a good card to see in a Tarot reading; it means that your finances are about to improve. If you are struggling with financial problems, this card means that your struggles are about to be over and a much better financial situation is ahead. The Ace of Pentacles predicts a new or improved source of income in the near future.  This can mean different things; a successful business affair, new clients providing more income, a prize of some kind, a settlement (insurance, legal settlement) or any other source of income that has not existed until now. This can mean one-time lump sum of money (winning of some kind), or it can mean improved work conditions, a bonus, raise, promotion, or other source of income that you were not expecting or counting on.

The Ace of Pentacles often symbolizes an opportunity, prosperity, abundance, trust, security and groundedness. In readings, it shows that the beginning of productivity has been put in place, and although you may not yet see it, the proceeds of this action are on their way. This can mean an offer, gift, opportunity, encounter or synchronistic event.
When you see the Ace of Pentcles, take a close look at your life and see how the fresh energy could work for you. This is not a time for fantasy, drama or risk taking. You need to be realistic and focused.  Build a solid foundation of trust, prosperity and success. Trust your inner voice and instinct - you will know what you need to do. This card means that your dream or dreams are about to become real. Your ideas are ready to be turned into something concrete.

This is a wonderful card to see in a reading if you are starting your own business, or expanding your existing business to new areas. You attract the wealth you need to get your projects going. Tap into the material force of the Ace of Pentacles, and all your enterprises will flourish.

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