Suit of Cups

The cards in the Suit of Cups are related with the element of water. Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces are the zodiac signs for this suit. Cups are related with emotions, such as love, affection, friendship, and also with creativity, and the way you feel about anyone or anything important to you. This suit will talk about how you feel about your home, your job or your partner. You may, for instance, hate your job, or you may love your home or creative activity.  Cups are related to love affairs, short and long-term, marriages, and romantic attachments. Cups are also associated with creativity, projects that you feel strongly and deeply about. It is important to stop for a moment when you get a Cup in your reading, and really think what it is that the card is actually referring to.  


Positive meaning:
Like all Aces, the Ace of Cups represents a new beginning. The Ace of Cups refers to love, intimacy, deep feelings, and compassion. It can suggest the beginning of a new love or a long-term relationship. It can also refer to the deepening connection in an existing relationship. When this card is drawn, it means that strong emotions are involved. Sometimes, The Ace of Cups can refer to a friendship. One way or the other, this card suggests that an important relationship is about to begin, or an existing relationship will reach a new depth. When you draw this card, trust your feelings and intuition. This card can also refer to a gift or opportunity in the near future. An offer of some kind may be coming. If a creative project is on your mind, this is a very positive card to get.   

Negative meaning:
The Ace of Cups can suggest that a lover, or someone special has begun to lose interest, or it tells you about some other kind of blockage in your connection to another person. It may mean that there is a connection, but the connection is being blocked by fear of intimacy, or due to unfavorable circumstances. This card can also suggest that there is affection and love, but not the big emotion, the everlasting, embracing love that you dream of. It is possible that the love is there, but something is in the way, making the relationship unclear, foggy, or just not what it could or should be.  When you get this card, you should consider how the past is connected to the present, and how past experiences are affecting your closeness to others. Take a good look at your current circumstances; is time, other people, work, or other responsibilities making it difficult for you to develop new relationships?



Positive meaning:
The Two of Cups refers to a love affair in the near future, or to a partnership. It suggests that energies are connecting, and a bond will be created. Power, beauty, and something electric will occur, and the result will be romance and sexual energy, or a powerful connecting of two energies. Friendships benefit from Two of Cups as well. This card often suggests understanding and compromise. Problems come to an end, and peace returns, even in the most turbulent relationships. Another meaning for this card is that your inner struggle will come to an end, and you will find harmony and peace. One or the other, this is very pleasant card to draw. Be prepared to experience strong connection to others – whether in love, friendship or business – situations that bring together ideas and talent. This card suggests wonderful success.   

Negative meaning:
The Two of Cups reversed suggests often for a separation – permanent or temporary. A love relationship could be unhealthy and taking too much of your energy, draining you emotionally. Examine that relationship, and see if a new course of action would bring resolution. It also can mean that a love affair may not take off for one reason or another. Beware of loving someone who does not return your feelings.  


Positive meaning:
This card suggests a group getting together for a common goal. It is a good time to join an organization or a group to help others. You can find a passion to help people in need – this card suggests that the energy of a group will be put together to help and care for others. This card can also suggest that you will reach out to the community or a group to receive the help and assistance you have been need for some time. It might be time to accept the help and resources available. This card refers to formal organizations, such as churches, counseling, or other community services. If you recognize a need for help, it is a good time to take action. You will get the support you need.

Negative meaning:
This card reversed suggests for a brief love affair, or something else that gives you short term, fast-lived enjoyment. It can also suggest that you make a decision to get out of a bad relationship, or decide against a marriage or a partnership.  Some type of isolation of yourself from your family, friends, or other important persons might be taking place. Think about joining a group or organization to help others – or, if you are in need of support and help, it is time to go out and seek for the help you need.


Positive meaning:
This card tells you that, even though it seems that you have everything you want from life, you have a feeling that something important is missing. You feel stuck, and your life feels dull and uninteresting. You could be too self-absorbed and consumed by your own emotions and your own life, and missing things that are going on in the outside world. This card suggests emotional apathy, where the need or willingness to make things better is not present. You are directing too much of your energy inwards. Balance is needed. You can find this balance by reconnecting with yourself. Meditation, yoga, or some other mind and spirit renewing  activity would make things easier. However, when this card comes up in a reading, it is also important to reach out, and connect with the world as well. Maybe you just want more of everything, but it is not healthy to focus solely inward.   You need to restore balance.

Negative meaning:
Four of the Cups reversed suggests that you are starting to accept the restrictions in your life or situation, and because of that, you begin to relax, and life becomes more enjoyable for you. This card also suggests new friends and new experiences in the near future. Another meaning is that you might be directing too much of your energy outside of yourself. You need to balance your energy output. It is not healthy to give out so much of yourself. Take on meditation or yoga to help you re-connect within, and to restore balance. 



Positive meaning:
The five of Cups is a sad card to draw in a reading. It suggests that some type of sadness or emotional loss is either present or ahead in the near future. When this card is drawn, it is important not to focus on the negative, the obstacles, set-backs, and in being so remorseful that you fail to see the positive things in life. You need to re-evaluate your life’s priorities. Too much energy spent on what could or should have been makes you blind to the blessings that you have. This is a sad card, but it also is a card of hope. Learn to focus on the positive things, and count your blessings. It is also important to take good care of yourself. You are neglecting yourself, emotionally and physically, and that needs to change.

Negative meaning:
This card reversed means that the period of unhappiness and sorrow will pass, but only if you deal with your grievances in a healthy way. Give yourself time to grief, recognize your feelings and accept them, and when it is time to move on, do so. Do not avoid your feelings of sadness and grief, but do not allow them to take over. Go out, meet with friends, get a new hobby, or join an organization and help others. There is hope in this card. This card also suggests meeting with an old friend, getting to know new people and making new friends.



Positive meaning:
This card is a bit melancholic card. It suggests nostalgia for the past. The cause can be a  family re-union, or other contact with people you haven’t been in touch with for quite some time. It is possible that an old love will find itself back into your life. People and skills from the past will be valuable. There is generosity related to this card, telling us that happiness comes to us from numerous sources, but the most important one is within oneself. This card is often associated with children, play, and innocence. The six of Cups often calls one to choose the right path instead of a selfish one. By doing the right thing you receive much more; by giving we receive – there is a direct connection to how we feel about ourselves.

Negative meaning:
This card reversed suggests that you rely on outside sources, such as other people, for your wellbeing and happiness. Happiness comes from within, and if you don’t realize that, you are facing a lifetime of relying on others to find joy and happiness. This card suggests that it is time to do some searching within. Try yoga or meditation to find balance, and to learn to find happiness from within.   



Positive meaning:
This card often relates to several options and choices that are open to you, or many paths you need to choose from. Since there are many choices and paths to choose from, it will be hard to know what to do. If you are not sure, take some time and consider different options. Dig into your intuition, and ask your spiritual guides for help. Meditation is a great tool for you to do that. If you have experienced financial troubles in the past, those will clear out and your financial situation will become better in the near future. This card also suggests for you to relax and not be too tied-up in life’s little details. Welcome a little chaos and unpredictability – make room for creativity, spontaneity and you receive adventure and excitement. Let go of some control, even if it is difficult at first. Follow your instinct and have more fun.  

Negative meaning:
You have experienced a period of unclear, muggy time in your life where it has been difficult to see clearly what is coming. This card reversed suggests for you to take a look at what has happened in the past. Then concentrate on the future. Decide where you want to get with your life, set goals and then go for it! The unclearness is about to end now, and future is beginning to look much more clear.



Positive meaning:
This sad card shows that you have some way to go before you can move to a happier situation. If you have been hurt by a lover you must put this behind you, write it off to experience, and move on. Your misery will end and, with fortitude, you will find happiness again. An old gypsy interpretation of this card is that a fair-haired woman will help you out and, as strange as it might sound, I have seen this interpretation to be accurate. This card also reflects throwing away success, taking time to consider what it is that one really wants. This can mean leaving material success behind and concentrating on something totally different. It means emotional cleansing, and preparing for other possibilities in life. Finding balance and reconnecting with one’s soul are the topics when this card is drawn.  

Negative meaning:
Is someone or something preventing you from fulfilling your true meaning? This could mean you yourself; your own fears could be blocking you from being who you really are and are meant to be, or it could be another person somehow restricting you from fulfilling the true meaning of your life. Another meaning of this card reversed is that a difficult situation will end soon, and you will experience fun and joy in the future.



Positive meaning:
This is a wonderful card to get in a reading! Some people call this the wish card as it seems that everything you wish for will come true. It promises sensual pleasure, health, and security. Furthermore, it suggests that you will be happy with your life in the near future. It tells you to be happy and enjoy your good fortune. What ever you desire will be coming to you relatively easily now. However, this card also comes with a warning. Be grateful and humble for your good fortune, and do not become arrogant, self-righteous and boastful. Use some of your fortune for the good of others. Tarot always suggests one to help others when ever reasonably possible.  

Negative meaning:
This card reversed suggests that you will have to put in one more push, one big effort to achieve what you wish for. If you fail an exam, a re-take will pass – but only if you put in the work and the effort needed. Life may be a little stressful and aggravating, but you will be able to put your troubles behind you in the near future. Don’t give up. This card also can mean that there is someone or something interfering with the good fortune that is meant to occur to you. This can mean an outside source, but it can as well mean that you yourself are causing your good fortune to stay afar. Fear of success, lack of self-esteem, feelings of not deserving, or a fear of future can be the causes of this.  



Positive meaning:
This is a wonderful card to draw in a reading. Your search for fulfillment is coming to an end. A secure, peaceful life is ahead. Love, enjoyment, happiness, true friendship……this card suggests good things in the near future in every aspect of your life. Your family life will be happy, satisfying and secure. You will be experiencing many blessings, joy and happiness rest and relaxation with a loved one, family and friends. Permanent success is one of the blessings this card promises. While the Nine of Cups suggests material fulfillment, this card relates to inner fulfillment. All is well, and you feel happy and balanced.

Negative meaning:
This card reversed warns you from letting anyone ruin your happiness, or to cause disturbance in your life or family. Also, be careful not to allow anyone to take credit for your achievements or success. This card can also relate to someone or something being in the way of fulfillment in your life. This can mean a person who is somehow blocking your way to inner fulfillment, or a circumstance that is somehow obstructing your life. Is the way you feel about yourself causing disharmony? Fear of loss, rejection, or a low self-esteem can be the causes for you yourself making it difficult to achieve fulfillment.   



Positive meaning:
As Pages always, the Page of Cups refers to children and young people. The Page of Cups specifically refers to an artistic, sensitive, and creative young person – an attractive,  tender, kind, and helpful person – someone young who offers help and co-operation. This card often refers to a childlike, carefree person. This person will bring you excitement and anticipation. Connecting with your inner feelings and intuition can also be present. It is time to follow your instinct when you draw this card.  This card can also refer to the birth of a new child in the family. Another meaning suggests that a period of studying or training is in the near future. Your learning will likely be creative or spiritual in nature. Any financial and business matters need to be well considered. Do not rush into any business deals.  

Negative meaning:
An artistic, creative, or sensitive young person will come to you with a problem or bring you bad news. He is immature and lacks confidence, even though he appears to be on top of everything.  These qualities can also be from within – you might need to look inside  to find the reasons for the situation. If you are a student yourself, this card suggests difficulties and that you will likely run out of time with something important. Try to schedule your time better and stick with your schedule.  



Positive meaning:
All Knights in Tarot have a dual meaning. Depending on circumstances, this card can bring positive or negative message. The Knight of Cups relates to a younger male, but can also relate to an older male or even a female. This person is kind, romantic, tender, and pleasant. He is a good friend and advisor. This person is pleasant to be with and wonderful company. He/She is fashionable, and has an excellent taste. However, here is the dual meaning of this card: He can be overly jealous, melodramatic, angst-ridden and  prone to take offense easily. This person can be too weak and might not be there when you need him. You need to consider this dual meaning of this card to see which of the two meanings applies. This all may relate to another person. If so, it is most likely to be a young adult. However, this card can also relate to the inner self.

Negative meaning:
This card reversed suggests somebody who is selfish, puny, and fragile – not somebody to lean on. He/she might be gone before you know it if you start making any demands on him/her. This person wants an easy and stress free life, and does not want to be bothered with somebody else’s problems.  This can also relate to aspects of life or inner self that are confusing and difficult to understand. Get to the bottom of things to know what really is happening.



Positive meaning:
The Queen of Cups relates to a mature woman, an empathic, compassionate, understanding, and feminine. She is likely to be creative, artistic, and she makes a comfortable home for her family. She creates an otherworldly atmosphere around herself. She is not moody, but she is very understanding and compassionate towards others. This card in a reading suggests that you should follow this person, try to think and feel like she does. Try to be more compassionate, understanding and empathetic. Turn to your inner self and see if what you do and how you behave comes from a state of sensitivity, compassion and empathy, or are the forces driving your behavior based on judgment, unkindness or cruelty. If you recognize yourself in the latter, work on becoming more compassionate, kind and empathetic person.  

Negative meaning:
This woman is pony, weak, sluggish, and self-pitying. She appears to be a friend, but in reality can stab you in the back without hesitation. Be cautious when dealing with this person – she can cause hurt feelings and break your trust.   



Positive meaning:
The King of Cups suggests for you to act out the qualities in the Suit of Cups – be wise, understanding, reliable, compassionate, stable, and secure. The King of Cups is experienced and empathetic, and instinctively knows what a friend needs at the moment. He has a strong presence that encourages others around him to act the same way.  This card encourages you to consider if your behavior towards others is patient, sympathetic and encouraging, and if not, it encourages you to take on those traits. This card can also relate to an actual person who has these qualities and has the atmosphere of peace, understanding and tolerance. This person is strong, kind, friendly, and warm hearted man. If he gives you advise, it might be a good idea to listen. He is a lovely and delightful friend. If this is your lover, you can expect him to be romantic, loving, and delightful.

Negative meaning:
If this card comes up reversed, it relates to a self-righteous, egotistical, self-centered and weak man. This man can promise you the world, but he won’t fulfill his promises. He appears to be stable but he is not. He is undependable in business and in love. However, it is possible that this is not who he really is – his current circumstances could have much to do with how he treats people around him. Following his leadership is likely to lead to a disaster. Be careful when dealing with him.