Friday, October 15, 2010


I get asked constantly if I do Tarot readings for my readers. Right now, I cannot promise that  I can do many readings - at the moment, I am very busy with all the readings I have already promised to do. However, I will be doing at least one free reading a week. These free readings will .....
be posted here for everyone to see - of course, with name and other personal information excluded. If you are interested in getting a free reading, please send me an e-mail at Your e-mail should include your first name, your date and place of birth, and a specific question you want to be answered. Be as detailed as possible with your question  to get an accurate, to the point reading. These free readings will be one-question readings only, but I will start doing more comprehensive free readings as soon as I have the time to do so. For now, the free readings will only be one-question readings. Also, if you need help with your first readings, send me an e-mail and I will try to help.

This Sun card is from one of my favorite decks.

Send me your questions - I will do my best to help as many as possible. Many Blessings!


  1. Thank you so much for putting this together. I dug up my old Tarot cards and the more I work on them, the more excited I get. This site is so quick and easy to use as a reference. Thanks again!

  2. I sent you an e-mail asking for the free reading. Do you let everybody know if you can or cannot do it? How soon do you usually do these? I understand that you must be loaded with e-mails asking for there any way I can pay for a reading? Yoou did a reading to my friend a while ago, and she recommended you highly. Please let me know..thank you.

  3. Dear Anonymous! I have received tons of requests for the free readings, and it truly makes me happy to see how many people are interested in getting one. As I said in my earlier posting, I will be doing one free reading a week (or more if I can). However, I cannot possibly promise that I will be able to do all the readings requested from me. I will try my best. As far as a paid reading - as soon as I can start taking new clients, I will notify you, my dear readers. It would be wrong for me to commit myself to too many readings and not be able to spend the time and energy required to do a complete reading. Right now I cannot, but that will hopefully change soon. However, if you send me your e-mail and question again, I will be happy to take a look. You forgot to log in or leave your name with your posting, so I have no way of knowing which e-mail request is from you. Many blessings!
