Saturday, October 16, 2010

Thank you!

I just wanted to say thank you for all the e-mails I received as a response to my last posting! It is wonderful to see that so many people read this blog, and even more wonderful it is to see this kind of response after being on the web for such a short time.

I will be posting the free readings as soon as I possibly can - and because I ...
received do many requests, I will try my best and do the Tarot readings for as many of you, my dear readers, as I possibly can. And still no to the numerous questions about paid readings. I can't do any right now. When (if) the time comes and I can take on some more work, I will absolutely notify you on this blog - you, my appreciated readers, will be the first ones to know. This is all so exciting, even though I had no idea how much work is involved in creating a blog.

I also want to thank you for your patience. Getting all this information published here is taking a bit longer than I expected. I promise you that the last ones of the Tarot card meanings will be posted today. I am still working on getting the diagrams of different readings together - those, too, will be published some time during next week.

Card of the day: Chariot! This is a wonderful card to draw - one of the key ideas is battles that will be won. I interpret this so that I will tackle the challenges and learn to understand this blog better, and I will come out as the winner! Creating this blog is the biggest challenge I have taken on for quite some time. I know a lot about Tarot cards, fortune telling, inspiration, motivation....but, dear readers, I have to say that I am no genious when it comes to computers! Wish me luck!


  1. WOw! Nice, Thnx For this topics

  2. You are welcome! I hope you enjoy your visits to this blog. I apologize for not having it up completely quite yet. I am still working on getting the Spreads and the Suit of Swords up - those both will be up hopefully by the end of the day today - I know much more about Tarot than I know about blogs, but I am learning....thank you again for your visit!
